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I need to be totally honest here. When my husband, Ken, and I started out as constructions missionaries, we knew nothing about what a construction missionary was. We didn't even know the term was a real thing. But we've learned much in

our eight years living full time in our RV and serving as construction missionaries around the United States. In this series of articles, I will try to give you a little information and advise on how we got started and what are the important things you need to get settled before hitting the road to serve as a Construction Missionary.

Trusting in God for your finances is the way we started as construction missionaries. But we have learned a bit more now and would advise you to get a little more preparation in before you hit the road. So, when planning for the future as a construction missionary, financial advisors can help you create a detailed plan. They will consider your current situation and goals to develop a comprehensive set of steps to get you there. Make sure you find an advisor that understands your calling. Asking other construction missionary workers may also be helpful with what has helped them in their journeys. BUT it is faith that is the most important steps in planning for your future as a construction missionary.

It’s essential to remember that your mission will be guided by God and you need to keep Him in the center of all decisions. During this planning process, it’s important to make sure that you are being wise with the resources available to you and seeking guidance from those who have had successful missions in the past. Additionally, prayer is key in finding the right direction and making sure that your mission is a success.

As in any work we do for the Lord, we must be wise in decisions concerning any living arrangements, banking, who and when to serve, etc. Financially, we must be frugal and understand that things will break, money will not always be plentiful, and we will meet people and missions on the road that God will lay on our hearts to give to. We must also be prepared to give sacrificially, if God so moves our heart.

Staying organized throughout the planning process is essential when preparing for construction mission work. Finances are one thing you will want to have organized before you hit the road full time as construction missionaries. We have found the best way for us to handle our finances is to break any income into six separate accounts. We use our local credit union for all income and donations we receive.

Here is how it works best for us to have our money broken down. All money goes into the main checking account first. Then we break it down into these accounts using these percentages:

Tithe 20%

Scholarships and Hospitality 5%

Tools 10%

Office 10%

Emergency 5%

Checking 50%

I have found this method works best for our ministry. With online banking, it is easy for us to make deposits and do most all banking without visiting a physical location.

Researching which types of banks will work best for your situation, have an idea which part of the country or world you will be serving in, then decide which banking institution works best for you. For us, we stay in the United States, so using our local credit union was the best option for us.

Financial planning for missions can be stressful. Keeping faith in the center of your decision making, utilizing financial advisors and those who have experience as construction missionaries, to create a plan and staying organized with finances will make it easier.

And finally, as you plan for mission work, keep in mind the way God has uniquely created you, so that you may serve Him better. Finally, pray and trust that no matter what bank you choose, God is your financial advisor on all decisions.

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